• Uneasy bedfellows: Journalism and impact metrics

    If you follow current debates, it appears that measurable, real-world impact is the be-all and end-all of journalism, especially when it comes to political and development themes. How did that happen?

  • Eine kurze Geschichte des Privatfernsehens in Deutschland

    Aktualisierte Fassung zum 30jährigen Bestehen des Privatfernsehens: Aus Wurzeln, die bis in die 1950er Jahre zurückreichen, entstand das Privatfernsehen in Deutschland in den 1980er Jahren aus einer historisch gewachsenen Mischung wirtschaftlicher Interessen mit politischen Wunschvorstellungen.

  • How the EU can help journalism

    Why is the European Union so ineffective when it comes to supporting press freedom and media pluralism? And what could it do within the limits of its current competences to foster journalism? It all boils down to one word: CONNECT.

  • The EU, its neighbours, and journalism revolution

    The transition to a free and democratic media system in formerly authoritarian countries may be almost as difficult for the revolutionaries themselves as it typically is for the former mouthpieces of defunct regimes. Can the European Union help?

  • Vordenkerrolle: Zum Innovationsbedarf der Medienanstalten

    Die Landesmedienanstalten beharren auf liebgewonnenen Denkfiguren und rufen nach strengeren Vorschriften, wenn die Welt sich ändert. Doch ihrer Sinn- und Identitätskrise könnten sie mit dem begegnen, was Odo Marquardt einst “Inkompetenzkompensations-kompetenz” nannte. Artikel aus epd Medien, Heft 69/2010.

  • The art of EU procurement

    The EU has masterminded the very rules of public procurement, but it is also one of the largest tendering authorities itself. The scope of design of tenders is such that it may make or break entire companies and organisations, and affect the implementation of public policy beyond the specific objectives of any individual tender.

  • Why I want my newspaper to go out of business

    The notion of intellectual property resonates with the idea that the original authors – journalists, writers, translators, photographers – deserve protection. However in fact, a substantial part of the copyright regime is in place to protect an intermediate industry that feeds off the creativity of the original authors.

  • WikiLeaks, the Cloud, and Internet pluralism: A roundup of emerging lessons learned

    There is an oligopolistic infrastructure emerging on the Web that facilitates the manipulation and exploitation of the public as well as censorship and obstruction of inconvenient content at a mere whim of a handful of private companies, or by – more or less stealthy – government influence.

  • Will eurocrats redefine democracy?

    Our current notion of democracy has developed within and for the modern nation state. Robert Menasse, however, advocates Europe as a post-national utopia, requiring a fundamentally new and different understanding and practice of democracy that still needs to be developed. “The nation states”, he suggests, “must fade away if we want a system of checks…

  • Eine kurze Geschichte des Privatfernsehens in Deutschland

    Das Privatfernsehen in Deutschland entstand in den 1980er Jahren aus einer historisch gewachsenen Mischung wirtschaftlicher Interessen mit politischen Wunschvorstellungen. Als es endlich soweit war, rieb sich das Establishment angesichts des tatsächlichen Programmangebots verwundert die Augen.